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PH Meters in Sri Lanka with the Highest Performance Business

6 years ago Electronics and Telecom Colombo 1218 views


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Nano Zone Trading - Rajagiriya.

0778620567 | 0712744064 Ruwan D Alviz.

Yes, we offer top quality pH meters for sale in Sri Lanka. This finest pH meter in Sri Lanka provides the best possible measurement performance and accuracy and measure pH level from 0.0 to 14.0 with a resolution of 0.01 pH and accuracy of pH ±0.2. This FCC and RoHS certified Ph meter offers a wide range of features including a large LCD display making it easy for the tester to see the values on the clear screen.

As the leading pH meter supplier in Sri Lanka, we highly recommend this directly imported product to any chemist, biologist, environmentalist or a lab technician. With a warranty of six months, this latest pH meters includes LR44 batteries along with a utility for up to 3 months. Own a brand-new pH meter for an extremely reasonable price of LKR 4000.00. Quick delivery service in Colombo city area and cash first delivery 24 hours Sri Lanka Island wide.
