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IR Laser Thermometer Gun For Sale Sri Lanka LK Business

6 years ago Electronics and Telecom Colombo 9489 views


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IR Laser Thermometer Gun For Sale Sri Lanka LK

Best Supplier Price Rs.6000 One Year Warranty

Call Nano Zone Trading @ Rajagiriya

** In sri lanka had huge requirement of industrial temperature measuring, we have a solution now. It is IR laser gun thermometers.

** high quality Digital IR Thermometer for non-contact temperature measurements Nicety ST380+ works as thermostat controller in industrial productions.

** Industrial Thermometer can be used for accurate measurements of hot surfaces from a safe distance now in sri lanka market.

** This digital thermostat can function distance to spot size ratio is 12:1, that means the ST380+ measures a 1 inch diameter spot from 12 inch distance, it is only in new IR laser gun thermometers.

** Customers in sri lanka now can test the product before buying.

** IR thermometers has a built in laser pointer and a multi functional display with back light.

** This industrial laser thermometer also can be used in H VAC to measure air conditioners, furnaces and heater on temperature controlling, it is very useful in a country like sri lanka.

** As well as in the automotive trade temperature meter can be used to measure the temperature of breaks, clutches, tires and the cooling system of cars and trucks as thermostat controller.

** This IR thermometers from sri lanka market you can purchase with great discounts.

** We are providing you after service upto 5 years for industrial laser thermometers.