LKhub - Affordable Shared Office Space in Col 3 Business
5 years ago - Real estate - Colombo - 972 viewsLocation
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LKHUB- Affordable Shared Office Space in Col 3
An impressive address for your business, if you’re looking for a more affordableand friendly space than a typical rented office space in Colombo, LKHUBcould work for you. This is a collaborative environment designed to helpfreelancers, small business owners and independent workers succeed.
Wesolve some of the problems commonly associated with your business by offeringseveral additional facilities:
-Shared or private office space to work (Over 14 - 20 peoples)
-Board room that can be reserved for your meetings
-Shared printing and scanning facilities
-Common kitchen (with ingredients to prepare tea and coffee)
-Discussion table
-Shared WiFi
Youcan stay in our shared space as long as you need to, or until your business hasgrown to the scale it needs to relocate to its own space. (We are near tothe Mahanama Collage in Duplication Road- Col 03)
We have two rooms (Room A, B)
Room A(Ground floor) with attached bathroom
Have 14 Cubicles –14 people can work
Rs 150,000.00
Room B(First floor)
Have 08 Cubicles – 08 people can work with attached bathroom
Rs 120,000.00