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7 years ago Green Energy Colombo 2151 views


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Building Services and Engineering(www.bseng.lk), a company with over 16 years’ experience is one of the leading MEP engineering and contracting companies in Sri Lanka.In areas of Plumbing & Sanitary, Electrical Systems, Fire Protection Systems and Mechanical Ventilation and Air-conditioning Systems.

We,Green Globe Group Pvt Ltd are a company that has dedicated are resources and man power in developing a sustainable future through Green Energy. The initiative by the Sri Lankan government “ Soorya Bala Sangramaya” is a scheme in helping all Sri Lankans to harvest Energy from the sun, we as a company want to spread awareness about solar energy to all parts of the country.

Green Globe Group innovates relentlessly to deliver the most advanced products and solutions, custom financing options and progressive sustainability practices. And our fully-integrated approach to systems, storage and software is fundamentally changing the future of energy.

*Long term saving

*Zero electri​city bilEarn extra money

* Bank loan facilities available

* Environmental friendly

* FREE Web monitoring system

* Approved by SL sustainable Authority,


* Expert Engineers

* Best quality product suppliers

10% Discount***

1.04 kW
120 Units
4 Panel
Rs. 345,000only

ජාතික විදුලිබල පද්ධතිය හා බැඳුණු පරිසර හිතකාමී විදුලිබල නිෂ්පාදනයට ඔබත් දායක වී එමගින් අමතර ආදායමක් උපයාගන්න.

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