6 years ago - Services - Gampaha - 1140 viewsLocation
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I am a senior translator sworn in District Court of Colombo rendering his services in and around Kadawatha/Gampaha/ Colombo according to stipulations of the Ministry of Justice. Those who wish to get their documents such as Birth,Academic, Marriage Certificates, or any other official document translated early according to your aspirations.
Valued customers are kindly informed that I have no office at Kadawatha Court Complex and I am not entertaining brokers around. I am residing at Ihala Biyanwila exactly 1 K.M. away from Kadawatha. You can reach my place via High way entrance and turn to the right at the first Signal Lights towards BUDDHIST SCHOOL KADAWATHA and turn to you left to Sramadana Mawatha and come to Wewarauma Road
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