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SSD Chemical Solution For Sale Worldwide Private

6 years ago Services Kandy 3539 views


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Viklins International Labtech we are perfect in development and cleaning of defaced currencies with ssd chemical

solution . we specializes in ssd chemical solution and powder for cleaning black dollars,euro,pounds and any other currency from any stain or color, to its original state.We also sell home kits for you to go and test your own products for small scale cleaning, Anti-freezing Preparations and Prepared De-icing Fluids.

We have all kind of services related money cleaning SSD solution and passport & ID card authentic.

SSD Solution

SSD Chemicla Solution

SSD Super Solution

SSD Universal Solution

SSD Super Automatic Solution

SSD PK58 Solution

SSD Ultimate 2018 Solution

Activation Powder

Mercury Powder

Passports and ID Authentication

Viklins Laboratory was established in 2000 following degree ( WB/182SSD-01/GVS ) of the World Bank Geneva,Switzerland.The creation of the SSD Premier Laboratory in Europe was to handle monetary issues such as cleaning black coated money, green coated money,regaining negative money and all sorts money that was transformed or defaced during transportation as a result to avoid risk of hijackers and terrorists.

Viklins SSD LABORATORY is the first and only laboratory in the World that manufactures SSD chemicals,powders, spray and offers machine and 3D machine services .It was first created to handle money issues with European countries but by 2002 began to operate worldwide to the fast rising of black money owners in the world.

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+918929011893/Clients In Asian Countries

+447823459601/Clients In Europe

+237670437398/Clients In Africa