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Lands for sale in Katunayake Business

5 years ago Real estate Gampaha 768 views


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The land comprises of anextensive road frontage [30 ft].
3 minutes from theColombo Katunayake highway. 20 minutes from Colombo. 12.5 perch blocks. Calm& peaceful life due to itssurroundings and scenery environment. 5 minutes to Free Trade Zone. Hurry Only sixmore EXCLUSIVE Blocks are available. Unbelievably “Green” with fruit and othertrees. Undoubtedly, one of the BEST investments in the area.

Facilities :

·3 minutes fromthe Colombo Katunayake highway

·2 minutes drivefrom the International Airport, Katunayaka.

·100% Clear deedswith 62 years of documents: “Paththiru”

·Does NOT gounder water during rains

·30seconds walk from the main 245 Negombo Minuwangoda bus route

·30feet wide roads

·Bank loansfacilities from ANY bank!


·12 minutesdrive from Negombo

·20 minutes’drive from Colombo through the new highway

·15 minutesdrive from Minuwangoda

·Close to Schools, Banks, Airport,Free Trade Zone, Hotels, swimming pools......