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Cpa training Business

6 years ago Learning Trincomalee 1036 views


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Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

CPA is a globally recognizedfinancial course offered by AICPA (The American Institute of Public Accountants) USA.

A CPA is a trustedfinancial advisor who helps individuals, businesses, and otherorganizations plan and reach their financial goals

All CPAs are accountants, but not all accountants are CPAs.

Howto become CPA?

3 E’s arerequired for licensure:


·Exam orUniform CPA Examination


State Boards of Accountancy determine the laws and rules for eachstate/jurisdiction


·Requirementsvary by state/jurisdiction (see state requirements)

·Moststates now require 120-150 semester hours

·Number ofaccounting hours (in the 150 total) is dependent on state requirements

Uniform CPAExamination

Computer-based format

Consists of 4 sections

·Auditingand Attestation (AUD)

·BusinessEnvironment and Concepts (BEC)

·Financial Accountingand Reporting (FAR)


·Same testno matter where it is taken

·Passingscore is 75 on a 0-99 scale

·Questiontypes include multiple choice, simulation and written communication

·Eligibilityto sit for exam depends on state


·Prometriccenters in UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Japan & Brazil subject to conditions.

Exam Format

Subjects Exam Details
Paper 1 : Auditing & Attestation 4 36×2 8
Paper 2 : Financial Accounting & Reporting 4 33×2 8
Paper 3 : Regulation (Law & Tax) 4 38×2 8
Paper 4 : Business Environment & Concepts 4 31×2 2 3

·MCQ–Multiple ChoiceQuestions 2 Test lets

·TBS–Task BasedSimulations

·WCT–WrittenCommunication Task


·Acandidate is an applicant for a CPA license

·Manystates require the candidate to have 1 – 2 years’ experience under a CPA

·Additionalrequirements vary by the candidate’s

·Education– e.g., Graduate degree vs. 150 hours of undergraduate

·Employer(s)– e.g., Public accounting firm vs. industry

·Type ofwork – e.g., Tax professional vs. auditor



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