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Best proposal for investment in Sri lanka. Private

6 years ago Services Kandy 1349 views


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Have a great business idea? Join Angel Investment Network today and get connected to a global network of nearly 100,000 investors. Submit a great proposal using our template immediately after registration.

Angel Investment Network helps budding entrepreneurs find the right investor with the right credentials and industry experience to grow their business.

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"I had 60 days to get very early stage funding to meet an international patent deadline. After not making any headway through normal investment avenues, I decided to give your website a try. I must admit I didn't think my chances of success were great, but in the end I managed to secure full funding of R1.7 million from a single investor. I know this won’t happen for everyone, but I think your platform offers great opportunities and I would recommend your site to any credible entrepreneur looking for funding." Henri Burger @ Gravity Lock

For More:https://www.angelinvestmentnetwork.lk/