2019 Environmental Science and Climate Change Conference Business
5 years ago - Services - Kandy - 1254 viewsLocation
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Episirus Scientificaholds2019 Environmental Scienceand Climate Change Conference (2019ESCC) around the theme ” SustainableDevelopment : A Major Challenge Across the Globe ”: Organisinga unique forum in Singapore during the month of September 10th-11th, 2019.
Target Audience:
Professors, Professionals from students, and researchers from thediscipline : Earth Science, Environment, Climate Change and subdiscipline Geophysics,Geology, Atmospheric Science, Hydrology/ Water Resources, Oceanology,Meteorology, Climatology, Natural Hazards, Ecology, Sustainable Development,Agriculture, Biodiversity, Coastal Science, Environment and Climate Laws/Policies, Water Management, Renewable and Energy Technology, Fish-Wildlife andForestry, Pollution, Nature Conservation areas and many more, will be joiningus at the conference to provide innovative ideas and ongoing research in theirrespective fields in 2019 Environmental Science and Climate Change Conference.
Sessions For 2019 Environmental Science and Climate Change (2019ESCC):
§ CorporateSustainability
§ EnvironmentalScience and Technology
§ EnvironmentalDynamics
§ Meteorology
§ ClimateChange Effecting Hydrology
§ Geophysics
§ Atmosphericphysics
§ PhysicalOceanography
§ Globalenvironmental change and ecosystems management
§ Climaticchanges and Climatology
§ Globalwarming causes and effects
§ Ozonelayer depletion
§ Carboncapture and storage
§ Computationalscience
§ FutureEnergy Systems
§ RenewableEnergy
§ SustainableDevelopment and Green Technology
§ WasteManagement